Elegance, love, education and a big dose of gratitude, they are Amanda and Alfonso.
Organizing a wedding like this one in the city center was a real challenge! Amanda and Alfonso contacted us to give a twist to the wedding they had already planned. They went from a wedding in a rustic venue with gardens to a restaurant in the center of Seville. Our challenge was to transform the restaurant into a beautiful space where to celebrate a warm and elegant wedding, and that’s how we started the 2021 season!
A gorgeous couple if ever there was one! They were full of energy and very much looking forward to have a good time! Their family was one of those super fun-loving families who lived the wedding as if it were their first and last. And this couple is very special for us, we fall in love with them not only because they are handsome but also because of the good people they are!
With the Torre del Oro in the background, we danced to the rhythm of a Cuban band who did not let us any rest, we ate very delicious food on tables decorated with beautiful colors and danced until the sunset on the banks of the Guadalquivir.
THANK YOU guys for arriving at our office on any given day and making us start the season this way, so long awaited after the year we have lived, in the best possible way. You made us remember what it is to live love and enjoy our work to the fullest!
We leave you the photos of Doncel y Alcoba and the video of Click & Rec so you can see what we mean!